Pink Pussy Willow ~ Salix gracilistyla, Mt Aso
A nurseryman friend gave me a small willow plant as a gift and told me to plant it in my yard. As those things go I was busy around the...
Pink Pussy Willow ~ Salix gracilistyla, Mt Aso
A nurseryman friend gave me a small willow plant as a gift and told me to plant it in my yard. As those things go I was busy around the...
Edgeworthia, well worth it!
This amazing plant is worth it's weight in gold! It is a member of the daphne family and shares a couple characteristics that make it worth planting in your yard. ...
Edgeworthia, well worth it!
This amazing plant is worth it's weight in gold! It is a member of the daphne family and shares a couple characteristics that make it worth planting in your yard. ...
A Garden Story For The New Year
Cauliflower seeds have a fascinating story inside their drab, brown casings. Just one pencil-tip-sized seed was able to sprout quickly in warm weather and eventually produce a succulent white head....
A Garden Story For The New Year
Cauliflower seeds have a fascinating story inside their drab, brown casings. Just one pencil-tip-sized seed was able to sprout quickly in warm weather and eventually produce a succulent white head....
Dividing And Moving Perennials
Make your garden bloom with renewed vigor! By splitting and dividing your perennials, you can promote more active growth and make better use of soil nutrition. Many herbaceous plants, such...
Dividing And Moving Perennials
Make your garden bloom with renewed vigor! By splitting and dividing your perennials, you can promote more active growth and make better use of soil nutrition. Many herbaceous plants, such...
Planting Garlic
Grow your own garlic with ease! This September is the perfect time to start growing your own garlic crop. Get the most out of your harvest by choosing the biggest...
Planting Garlic
Grow your own garlic with ease! This September is the perfect time to start growing your own garlic crop. Get the most out of your harvest by choosing the biggest...