Salvia Nemorosa | Caradonna
Salvia Nemorosa | Caradonna
This Meadow Sage is among the tallest and most upright growing of its species, reaching approximately 2 feet tall at maturity. Salvia Caradonna begins blooming in June; flower spikes are a rich indigo color while the calyx has a burgundy tone. The strikingly colored blooms are especially impactful when grouped. After flowering, this Salvia can be trimmed right back to the ground to promote a second flush of flowers in mid-August. Salvia Caradonna is bold and vibrant, demanding attention in a meadow setting. I love combining this plant with the burgundy colored Astrantia Major, or Knautia Macedonica, as the burgundy flowers highlight the calyx of the salvia. The plant provides some winter structure as seed heads remain well into the winter. Hardy to Zone 4.